
PT Star Student: Week Commencing 12 Jul 2021

Lawson Birch And Dominic AndrewsLawson's English teacher recommended him for being star student as his effort in lessons were exceptional. Well done and keep it up. Dominic continues to work hard and behave well around the Academy, earning the most positives in the tutor group.Mrs Morris-Ashman
Aoife Murray, Ishitha Ali, Aidan Ellis And Nabiha Well done to Aoife Murray, Ishitha Ali, Aiden Ellis and Nabiha MiM for producing work to a high standard during Design and Technology lessons this week.Mr Ferguson
David AlexandruCongratulations David on your positive and for your excellent navigational skills on your DofE practice. We're all proud of you!Mr Howard
Takiya MorganA fantastic start to BTEC Sport & good contribution to PT quizMr Bhopal
Sophia LangleyCongratulations to Sophia for passing her theory test. Hope to see you driving soon.Mrs Hood
Girisha Singh And Rana SaharAnother fantastic entry in the Spanish stars competition. Both students are exemplary students, well done! Miss Roberts
Kyro Mccalla8 Positives this week and has shown a positive and mature attitude to his school work and lessons. Miss Parker
Essa MushtaqEssa always arrives promptly to PT and is always helpful. Well done Essa!Mr Duffield
Leah Bridgewater + EL King LipassoBoth students have been nominated for a excellent week of lessons! Very well done!Miss L Scott