
GCE Computer Science

Why Computer Science?

Our Computer Science specification will above all else be relevant to the modern and changing world of computing. The new specification will:

  • Focus on programming, building on our GCSE Computing and emphasise the importance of computational thinking as a discipline.
  • Have an expanded maths focus, much of which will be embedded within the course.
  • Put computational thinking at its core, helping students to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand human and machine intelligence.
  • Allow students to apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real world systems in an exciting and engaging manner.
  • Give students a clear progression into higher education, as the course was designed after consultation with members of BCS, CYear 1 and top universities.
Course Type: A Level
Exam Board: OCR
Specific Entry Requirements:
Grade 6 in GCSE Computer Science if studied at GCSE, if not:
Grade 6 in GCSE Maths and Grade 6 in GCSE English Language
Preferably some knowledge in text based programming languages such as Python, C, C+, C# and Java
Course Assessment:
Students will take 2 examinations, weighing 40% each and a Programming Project weighing 20% of the final A level qualification.
Contact Curriculum Leader for more information:
Mrs Gill
Computer Science students can move on to Higher Education courses and careers in the following areas:
Computer Forensics, Cryptology, Education, Engineering, IT/Computing, Science, Electronics, Networking, System Developers,

Course Outline

Subject Content Includes

  • The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
  • Software and software development
  • Data structures
  • Exchanging data
  • Data types, data structures and Algorithms to solve problems, including searching and sorting algorithms and their efficiency
  • Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues
  • Elements of computational thinking
  • Problem solving and programming
  • The fundamentals of networking and how the Internet infrastructure was built and is maintained
  • Use of and creation of databases using SQL


Paper 1: Computing Principles
  • Written exam: 1hour 15 minutes
  • 70 Marks
  • 50% of final Year 1 grade
Paper 2: Algorithms and Programming
  • Written exam: 1hour 15 minutes
  • 70 Marks
  • 50% of final Year 1 grade

Year 2

Paper 1: Computer Systems
  • Written exam: 2 hour 30 minutes
  • 140 marks in total
  • 40% of final grade
Paper 2: Algorithms and Programming
  • Written exam: 2 hour 30 minutes
  • 140 marks in total
  • 40% of final grade
Programming Project:
  • Analysis of the problem
  • Design of the solution
  • Developing the solution
  • Evaluation
  • 70 Marks
  • 20% of Level

Important Documents

Questions or Queries?

Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (Sixth Form Admissions Officer) by either:

Email: sixthformadmissions@sandwellacademy.com

Or by post:

Sixth Form Admissions Officer,
Halfords Lane,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands,
B71 4LG.

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